Scale-free Networks

 Choose the correct alternative:

(I) The social networks, considered a random network, can be modeled by a power law;

(II) If you add new nodes to an existing network and add many edges connecting these nodes to high degree's nodes, you end up with bigger hubs, a characteristic of scale-free networks

(III) Given a scenario where n = 10000, 2 nodes have k = 1 and 2 nodes have k > 10. This is sufficient to see that we are describing a scale-free network, since there are not many nodes with higher k values and a lot of nodes with lower k values.

(IV) In random networks the degrees vary in a large range

(V) If all nodes from a given graph have the same degree, it should not be considered a scale-free network or a random network

a) I and V are correct;

b) II, III and IV are correct;

c) II and V are correct;

d) I, II and IV are correct;

e) None of the above

Original idea by André Regino


  1. Good question, but I'm afraid of taking it. It's full of opportunities for a different interpretation that may modify the correct answer.


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